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Wednesday, February 08, 2006


After a wonderful trip to the South Island we continued our adventures in New Zealand and headed off to Rotorua. Rotorua is a town that is known for its hot pools and thermo activity. It was quite I nice place and after awhile we got comfortable with the ever present sulfur smell.

We went to Rotorua because Glenn and I were presenting at an International Conference for Adventure Therapy. It was a great conference and people really enjoyed the mask and music work we presented. We also got to play a bit the first night as entertainment. The great part of this was we followed a hip hop dance troupe, Crucial Movement. When we started into Irish Tunes I could see the dancers tapping their feet and really getting into the music. A told them to go ahead and dance. They each took turns doing a dance. What a great fusion of traditions.

The best part of the conference was meeting people from all over the world and hearing about the type of work they did in their country. It was a wonderful reminder of how closely connected we are. We left feeling really excited and renewed. We unfortunately had to leave early because we were playing music for the weekend at a winery for Hawkes Bay's Harvest Festival. This was good fun as well and we even got approached to play for another event. The event just happens to be in Auckland so I are not going to be able to do the gig. Oh well it was a confidence builder to be asked.

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