A hangi is a traditional Maori way of cooking food. First stones have to be heated with a large fire. The ashes from the fire have to be cleared off the rocks. Glenn told me it was the hottest he has ever been. He thought he might have burnt a few eyebrow hairs off. Then the food is placed in cloth bags and put in a basket. The basket of food is then placed on the rocks and it is covered with a number of wet sheets of fabric. Then the basket and cloth are covered with earth and left to cook for six to seven hours.
copyright Kjelsty Hanson

Then the basket of food had to be dug up.
copyright Kjelsty Hanson

The boys unwrapp the basket of food.
copyright Kjelsty Hanson

Hugh revealing the basket of food, covered in wet cloth.
copyright Kjelsty Hanson

These are the hot stones that cooked up the meal.
copyright Kjelsty Hanson

Looks like the hangi was a success ... time to eat!
copyright Kjelsty Hanson

A bag full of kumara, parsnip, yam and garlic mmm good.
copyright Kjelsty Hanson

They cooked up three whole chickens, a lamb roast and porkchops surrounded by watercrest. The meat just melted off the bone.
copyright Kjelsty Hanson

Oh and the stuffing was to die for.
copyright Kjelsty Hanson