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Thursday, September 30, 2004

My Big Fat Greek Breadmachine

I found an ad in the Wednesday Mover for a vacuum cleaner so I called to find out where the person that was selling the vacuum lived. The man that I was speaking with could not understand a word I was saying so he put his wife on the phone to give me directions. People around here seem to think I have a heavy accent. They lived on Birdwood Drive not far from our flat so we got in the car and found their house that looked like the set from My Big Fat Greek Wedding. When we came to the door we were greeted with ma and pa dressed in their pajamas asking us “how’d you get dressed so fast” (we had called before coming over and it was about 9am). They proceeded to invite us in asking many questions, “Where are you from?” “Do you fish?” “Do you have any kids?” “Are you pregnant yet?” “Did you bring your fishing gear?” It seemed to continue in this random manor the whole time. Once John, the guy that could not understand a word I said, got me the vacuum cleaner to try out he took Glenn on a tour of his fish trophies that were displayed on the wall throughout the house. While they were talking fish they discovered they both had Greek heritage.

I in the meantime was testing the vacuum and Ma continued to try and get me to vacuum here whole living room as I tried to see if the vacuum suction was working well. In the mean time John was telling Glenn that he would bring him some Trout if he caught one today. Then John came over and asked me, “Do you want it I will give it to you for $50, I also have a bread machine are you interested?” So he ran back in to the garage and brought back the bread machine before I could even say a word. We did not have enough money to pay for both the vacuum and the bread machine but they said just take it and bring the money by later. That evening we had a message from John saying he would stop by and pick of the money on his way out fishing. We were not there but he did call back later that night and stopped over to collect the money just as full of energy as he had been that morning. He told us his day fishing was successful and he caught a trout. But he did not have any for us that day.

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